Our Services

  • basic piano tuning

    Basic Piano Tuning

    The basic tuning will be scheduled for two hours of work. It can often take less time depending on the condition of the piano. The basic tuning includes a free inspection and recommendation for future adjustments or repairs.

    All tunings are now done using a two-pass system. The first brings the piano roughly to pitch and the second is a fine tuning. This means there is no longer an extra fee for a pitch raise, as this will be done on the first pass.

    (In rare circumstances, the tuning cannot be done safely in two passes and I will provide other options at that point.)

    This method produces a much more accurate and stable tuning.

    Standard price: $120
    Non-standard tunings (historical): $150

  • piano regulation

    Piano Regulation

    Piano regulation is the process of adjusting the various mechanical parts of a piano to ensure that it is functioning optimally and producing the best possible sound.

    This involves adjusting the touch and feel of the keys, the alignment and movement of the hammers, and the overall balance and consistency of the piano's action.

    It is generally recommended that a piano be regulated at least once every few years, although the frequency may vary depending on the specific needs of the instrument and how it is used.

    Minor adjustments (up to 15 minutes) can be done as part of a tuning at no extra cost. Regulation is charged in half-hour increments at $60/hour.

  • piano voicing

    Piano Voicing

    Piano voicing refers to the process of adjusting the tonal qualities of a piano's individual strings and hammers to produce a desired sound. It is an important aspect of piano maintenance and repair, as it can affect the instrument's overall sound and playability.

    Voicing involves adjusting the hardness and shape of the hammers that strike the strings. Harder hammers will produce a brighter, more percussive sound, while softer hammers will produce a warmer, more mellow sound.

  • Dampp-Chaser Installation

    Fluctuations in humidity can cause serious problems in a piano from tuning instability to sticking keys and sluggish motion. Dampp-Chaser Life Saver system keeps the humidity around the vital components of your piano constant.

    Contact for more information. Pricing will depend on the size and type of piano and the system needed to accommodate the space.


I do not do any rebuilding, refurbishing, or woodworking services at this time. If I see major repairs that involve these skills (such as a cracked soundboard), I will let you know about it and recommend a qualified professional to handle the task.

I also do not work on specialty instruments such as square pianos, harpsichords, or player pianos.

If you have any questions about whether I can be of service to you, do not hesitate to contact me by phone, text, e-mail, or the contact form.
